cubilete - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cubilete (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The term "cubilete" refers specifically to a small cup or container, notably one used for holding dice in games. In a broader sense, it can also denote a device or container utilized for rolling dice. The word is used moderately in the Spanish language, particularly in contexts involving traditional games or gambling, as well as in some regions where dice games are popular.

In terms of context, "cubilete" is more commonly encountered in oral speech due to its association with play and informal settings. Yet, it may also appear in written contexts, especially in gaming guidelines or literature.

Example Sentences

  1. "Saca el cubilete y lanza los dados para comenzar el juego."
  2. "Take out the dice cup and roll the dice to start the game."

  3. "El cubilete cayó de la mesa y los dados se dispersaron por toda la habitación."

  4. "The dice cup fell off the table and the dice scattered all over the room."

  5. "Con un buen cubilete, los dados pueden ser lanzados de manera justa."

  6. "With a good dice cup, the dice can be rolled fairly."

Idiomatic Expressions

While "cubilete" is not a common component of idiomatic expressions in Spanish, it does relate to gaming and chance, which can sometimes appear in figurative language regarding risk and fortune.

Example Idiomatic Sentences

  1. "En este juego, el cubilete decide nuestro destino."
  2. "In this game, the dice cup decides our fate."

  3. "No hay que dejar que el cubilete se enfríe, ¡lancia los dados otra vez!"

  4. "Don't let the dice cup cool down, roll the dice again!"

  5. "Con un cubilete en la mano, la suerte siempre está de nuestro lado."

  6. "With a dice cup in hand, luck is always on our side."


The word "cubilete" originates from the Spanish word "cubo," which means cube. This is likely derived from its function to hold cubic dice. The diminutive suffix "-ete" suggests a smaller version of a cube or container, hence forming "cubilete".

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Copa (cup) - Tarro (jar) - Recipiente (container)

Antonyms: - Desocupado (empty) - Abierto (open)

In summary, "cubilete" primarily pertains to the domain of games, particularly those involving dice, and holds significance in both casual and certain written contexts within Spanish. Its relevance in idioms is limited but ties closely to themes of chance and decision-making in games.
