cubrir - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cubrir (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "cubrir" is a verb in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The verb "cubrir" generally means to cover something physically, like a surface or an object. It can also imply including something (like in a report or discussion) or concealing something (as in emotions or intentions). It is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, though its use is more common in written contexts such as literature, reports, and legal documents due to its versatility.

Example Sentences

  1. El tejido puede cubrir la mesa para protegerla.
    The fabric can cover the table to protect it.

  2. El informe debe cubrir todos los aspectos importantes.
    The report must cover all the important aspects.

  3. Es necesario cubrir el agujero en la pared.
    It is necessary to cover the hole in the wall.

Idiomatic Expressions

The verb "cubrir" is also commonly used in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish:

  1. Cubrir las espaldas
    To cover someone's back
    Ejemplo: Siempre debes tener una persona que cubra tus espaldas en el trabajo.
    You should always have someone to cover your back at work.

  2. Cubrir algo con un manto de silencio
    To cover something with a cloak of silence
    Ejemplo: Decidieron cubrir el escándalo con un manto de silencio.
    They decided to cover the scandal with a cloak of silence.

  3. Cubrir todas las bases
    To cover all bases
    Ejemplo: Antes de presentar el proyecto, es crucial cubrir todas las bases.
    Before presenting the project, it is crucial to cover all bases.

  4. Cubrir un puesto
    To fill a position
    Ejemplo: La empresa necesita cubrir un puesto vacante rápidamente.
    The company needs to fill a vacant position quickly.

  5. Cubrir el costo
    To cover the cost
    Ejemplo: La póliza de seguro no cubre el costo de los daños.
    The insurance policy does not cover the cost of damages.


The word "cubrir" comes from the Latin "cooperīre", which means to cover or conceal. The Latin term is formed by the prefix "co-" meaning together or completely and "operīre" meaning to cover.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Tapar (to cover) - Encubrir (to conceal) - Proteger (to protect)

Antonyms: - Descubrir (to uncover) - Revelar (to reveal) - Exponer (to expose)
