cubrir el expediente - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cubrir el expediente (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The phrase "cubrir el expediente" is commonly used in legal, administrative, and bureaucratic contexts. It refers to the act of completing necessary paperwork or documentation. This phrase conveys the idea of fulfilling requirements, often in a perfunctory or formal manner, to ensure that a case or process is recognized and processed by the relevant authorities.

This expression is frequently utilized in written contexts, such as legal documents, administrative papers, or reports, but it can also be encountered in verbal discussions regarding bureaucratic matters. The frequency of its use may vary depending on the region and specific professional environment.

Example Sentences

  1. Es necesario cubrir el expediente para que la solicitud sea aprobada.
    It is necessary to cover the file for the application to be approved.

  2. La empresa debe cubrir el expediente antes de presentar su informe anual.
    The company must complete the paperwork before submitting its annual report.

  3. Si no cubres el expediente, podrías enfrentar problemas legales.
    If you do not cover the file, you could face legal issues.

Idiomatic Expressions

The phrase "cubrir el expediente" does not have many direct idiomatic expressions, but it is often used in conversations about bureaucracy and compliance. Here are a few expressions and idioms that incorporate the concept of covering or diligence in documentation:

  1. Cubrir el expediente y no hacer nada más
    "To cover the file and do nothing more."
    En ocasiones, algunos empleados solo buscan cubrir el expediente y no se esfuerzan por hacer un buen trabajo.
    Sometimes, some employees only seek to cover the file and do not make an effort to do a good job.

  2. Estamos aquí para cubrir el expediente
    "We are here to cover the file."
    Los funcionarios a menudo dicen que su trabajo es simplemente cubrir el expediente cuando están desmotivados.
    Officials often say that their job is merely to cover the file when they are unmotivated.

  3. No basta con cubrir el expediente
    "It's not enough to just cover the file."
    En esta empresa, no basta con cubrir el expediente; necesitamos resultados tangibles.
    In this company, it's not enough to just cover the file; we need tangible results.


The verb "cubrir" comes from the Latin "cooperire," which means "to cover," while "expediente" originally comes from Latin "expedientem," meaning "to expedite or perform." Together, the phrase indicates the action of completing the covering or organization of documents related to a specific case or issue.

Synonyms and Antonyms
