cubrirse - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cubrirse (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "cubrirse" is a reflexive verb in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Cubrirse" generally means to cover oneself, often implying the act of protecting oneself from something, be it physical (like weather) or metaphorical (like danger, judgment, etc.). It is commonly used in both spoken and written Spanish, with a slightly higher frequency in conversational contexts, especially in scenarios that involve personal safety or modesty.

Example Sentences

  1. "Debo cubrirme antes de salir porque hace mucho frío."
    "I need to cover myself before going out because it’s very cold."

  2. "Cuando comenzó a llover, todos se cubrieron bajo la marquesina."
    "When it started to rain, everyone took cover under the awning."

  3. "Si te sientes incómodo, puedes cubrirte con una manta."
    "If you feel uncomfortable, you can cover yourself with a blanket."

Idiomatic Expressions

The verb "cubrirse" is often used in various idiomatic expressions, reflecting different meanings depending on the context. Here are a few examples:

  1. "Cubrirse las espaldas."
    Literally: "To cover one's back."
    Meaning: To protect oneself or to ensure safety.
    Example: "Siempre trato de cubrirme las espaldas cuando trabajo en un proyecto en grupo."
    "I always try to cover my back when working on a group project."

  2. "Cubrirse de gloria."
    Literally: "To cover oneself with glory."
    Meaning: To achieve greatness or to excel in something.
    Example: "Su actuación en la obra la hizo cubrirse de gloria."
    "Her performance in the play made her cover herself with glory."

  3. "Cubrirse los ojos."
    Literally: "To cover one's eyes."
    Meaning: Often used to indicate ignorance or denial of a situation.
    Example: "No podemos seguir cubriéndonos los ojos ante la verdad."
    "We cannot continue to cover our eyes to the truth."


The verb "cubrirse" comes from the Latin word "copperire," where "co-" (together) and "aperire" (to open) are combined to convey the idea of enclosing, covering, or protecting.



By understanding "cubrirse" and its various forms, contexts, and idiomatic expressions, learners can deepen their comprehension and communication skills in the Spanish language.
