cumplirse - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cumplirse (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "cumplirse" is a verb.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options

Meaning and Usage

"Cumplirse" in Spanish means to fulfill, to complete, or to accomplish something regarding an obligation, task, or promise. This verb is primarily used in contexts where an expected outcome is realized, such as fulfilling a deadline, a promise, or even a prophecy. The frequency of use is moderate to high, with a balanced presence in both oral and written contexts, although it might lean slightly more towards written language due to its formal application in discussions of obligations or expectations.

Example Sentences

  1. "El plazo para presentar el proyecto se va a cumplirse la próxima semana."
    "The deadline to submit the project will be fulfilled next week."

  2. "Esperamos que se cumpla lo que prometió."
    "We hope that what he promised will be accomplished."

  3. "Al cumplirse un año de su partida, lo recordamos con cariño."
    "As one year has passed since his departure, we remember him fondly."

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "cumplirse" frequently appears in idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Here are a few:

  1. Cumplirse los sueños
  2. "Ella trabaja duro para que sus sueños se cumplan."
    "She works hard for her dreams to be fulfilled."

  3. Cumplirse un año

  4. "Se cumplió un año desde que comenzamos este proyecto."
    "It's been a year since we started this project."

  5. Se cumplen las expectativas

  6. "Afortunadamente, se cumplieron las expectativas del evento."
    "Fortunately, the expectations of the event were met."

  7. Cumplirse un deseo

  8. "Cuando viajó a París, se le cumplió un gran deseo."
    "When she traveled to Paris, a great wish of hers came true."

  9. Cumplir con la ley

  10. "Es importante cumplir con la ley para mantener el orden."
    "It is important to comply with the law to maintain order."


"Cumplirse" derives from the Latin verb "complere," which means "to fill up, complete." The prefix "cum-" (with) combined with "plere" (to fill) conveys the idea of completing or fulfilling something.


