curtido - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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curtido (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Curtido" is a noun and can also function as an adjective in specific contexts.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, "curtido" primarily refers to a type of food, specifically pickled vegetables, commonly found in various Latin American cuisines, especially in dishes like tacos, pupusas, and others. It is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in culinary discussions.

In Mexico, "curtido" is often associated with pickled cabbage or a mix of shredded vegetables, frequently served as a side dish. In Colombia, the term may refer more broadly to any braised or pickled preparation of vegetables, often appearing in traditional dishes.

The frequency of use is moderate, and the word is fairly common in culinary contexts. It appears more prominently in spoken language during discussions about food.

Example Sentences

  1. Los tacos siempre se sirven con un poco de curtido.
    Tacos are always served with a little pickled vegetable.

  2. Me encanta el curtido que hacen en casa; tiene un sabor único.
    I love the pickled vegetables they make at home; it has a unique flavor.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "curtido" itself isn't widely featured in common idiomatic expressions; however, it does relate to certain cultural phrases connected to food and preservation.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. "De la necesidad, virtud; si no tengo curtido, improviso."
    "Out of necessity comes virtue; if I don't have pickled vegetables, I improvise."

  2. "El curtido es el alma del platillo; sin ello, pierde sabor."
    "The pickled vegetables are the soul of the dish; without them, it loses flavor."

  3. "Mente de curtido, paladar agradecido."
    "A seasoned mind, a grateful palate."


The word "curtido" originates from the Spanish verb "curtir," which means "to tan or cure" (in the context of leather) or, more relevantly here, "to pickle" referring to food preservation methods. The infinitive "curtir" comes from Latin "cortīre," implying the act of treating or preserving.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - "Encurtido" (pickled) - "Fermentado" (fermented) - "Aderezo" (dressing)

Antonyms: - "Fresco" (fresh) - "Crudo" (raw)

By giving context and detailed information about the word "curtido," we can see its culinary significance and how it reflects cultural practices within various Spanish-speaking communities.
