dado - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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dado (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "dado" is primarily used as a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription of "dado" using the International Phonetic Alphabet is /ˈda.ðo/.

Translation Options

In English, "dado" can be translated as: - Dice (the game piece) - Base (as in architecture) - Panel (in woodworking)

Meaning and Usage

The term "dado" refers to different meanings depending on the context: 1. Game Piece: It commonly refers to a cube with dots that is used in various games (dice). 2. Architectural Element: In architecture, "dado" (the base) refers to the lower part of a wall, often decorated. 3. Woodworking: In woodworking, it refers to a groove or channel cut into wood.

The frequency of use of "dado" can vary; it is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, depending on whether discussing games, architecture, or woodworking.

Example Sentences

  1. "Lanzaré el dado para ver quién comienza el juego."
    "I will roll the dice to see who starts the game."

  2. "El dado de la mesa está hecho de madera fina."
    "The base of the table is made of fine wood."

  3. "Necesito un dado para hacer un corte en la madera."
    "I need a dado to make a cut in the wood."

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "dado" is often used in several idiomatic expressions in Spanish:

  1. "Dado por hecho"
    "Taken for granted."
    Example: "No debemos dar por hecho que siempre estaremos juntos."
    "We should not take for granted that we will always be together."

  2. "Dado el caso"
    "Given the circumstance."
    Example: "Dado el caso de que llueva, llevaremos paraguas."
    "Given the circumstance that it rains, we will take umbrellas."

  3. "A dado y por haber"
    "In abundance."
    Example: "La comida en la fiesta había a dado y por haber."
    "The food at the party was in abundance."

  4. "A dada vuelta"
    "Turned upside down."
    Example: "La situación se ha dado vuelta y ahora estamos ganando."
    "The situation has turned upside down and now we are winning."


The word "dado" comes from the Latin word "datum," meaning "something given," which evolved in Old Spanish to refer to the object we recognize today as dice.



This comprehensive overview provides a variety of insights into the word "dado" across multiple contexts and usages in the Spanish language.
