dama - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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dama (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Dama is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "dama" is a general term in Spanish that refers to a woman or lady. It can denote respect or a formal address and is also commonly used in specific contexts such as games (like chess) where it refers to the queen piece. The frequency of use can vary widely depending on the context, but "dama" tends to be more commonly used in both oral speech and written forms.

Example Sentences

  1. La dama de honor llevó un hermoso vestido.
    The lady-in-waiting wore a beautiful dress.

  2. En el ajedrez, la dama es la pieza más poderosa.
    In chess, the queen is the most powerful piece.

  3. Esa dama es muy respetada en nuestra comunidad.
    That lady is very respected in our community.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "dama" is often used in various idiomatic expressions and phrases in the Spanish language. Here are some examples:

  1. Dama de compañía
    Companion lady or escort
  2. Ella trabaja como dama de compañía para personas mayores.
    She works as a companion lady for elderly people.

  3. Dama de hierro
    Iron lady

  4. La política fue apodada dama de hierro por su fuerte carácter.
    The politician was nicknamed the iron lady for her strong character.

  5. Dama de corazones
    Queen of hearts

  6. Ella siempre será la dama de corazones en su vida.
    She will always be the queen of hearts in his life.

  7. Dama de la alta sociedad
    High society lady

  8. La dama de la alta sociedad organizó un gran evento benéfico.
    The high society lady organized a large charity event.

  9. Dama de los años felices
    Lady of the happy years

  10. Recuerdo a la dama de los años felices con cariño.
    I remember the lady of the happy years fondly.


The word "dama" comes from the Latin "domina," which means "lady" or "mistress." Over time, it evolved in the Spanish language to refer more generally to women in various contexts. Its roots in Latin highlight its historical connotations of respect and authority.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Señora (Mrs./Lady) - Mujer (Woman) - Noble (Noble woman, although this may have a more historical context)

Antonyms: - Hombre (Man) - Mozo (Boy or lad, depending on context) - Chiquillo (Young boy)

Overall, "dama" is a versatile term with a variety of uses that reflect different aspects of respect and femininity in the Spanish language.
