dar cuenta - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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dar cuenta (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Dar cuenta" is a verbal phrase (an expression that consists of a verb and its complement).

Phonetic Transcription

/dar ˈkwenta/

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Dar cuenta" is a Spanish idiomatic expression that typically means to inform someone about something or to account for a situation, often implying a sense of responsibility or obligation to report. It can also mean to consider or acknowledge something significant. This phrase is used fairly frequently in both oral and written contexts. However, it is particularly common in formal writing, legal documents, and business communications.

Example Sentences

  1. Tengo que dar cuenta de mis gastos este mes.
  2. I have to account for my expenses this month.

  3. El jefe nos pidió que diéramos cuenta del progreso del proyecto.

  4. The boss asked us to report on the progress of the project.

  5. Es importante dar cuenta de los cambios en la política de la empresa.

  6. It is important to take into account the changes in the company's policy.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Dar cuenta" frequently appears in various idiomatic expressions and phrasal constructions, enhancing its contextual significance in Spanish.

  1. Dar cuenta a alguien
  2. Es necesario dar cuenta a tu supervisor sobre tus tareas.
  3. It is necessary to report to your supervisor about your tasks.

  4. Dar cuenta de algo

  5. El libro da cuenta de los eventos históricos que marcaron la nación.
  6. The book accounts for the historical events that shaped the nation.

  7. Dar cuenta del estado de las cosas

  8. Necesitamos dar cuenta del estado de las cosas antes de tomar decisiones.
  9. We need to take into account the state of affairs before making decisions.

  10. Dar cuentas claras

  11. Es esencial dar cuentas claras a los inversores sobre los fondos.
  12. It is essential to account clearly to investors about the funds.


The phrase "dar cuenta" comes from the combination of the verb "dar", which means "to give", and "cuenta", which means "account" or "bill". The original sense of the phrase relates to the act of providing an account or explanation of something as a form of giving information.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Informar (to inform) - Reportar (to report) - Comunicar (to communicate)

Antonyms: - Omitir (to omit) - Silenciar (to silence) - Desatender (to neglect)

This comprehensive information covers the essential aspects of the phrase "dar cuenta," its meanings, uses, and examples, along with idiomatic expressions, etymology, and related terms.
