dar la patada - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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dar la patada (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Dar la patada" is a verb phrase in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

/daɾ la paˈtaða/

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Dar la patada" literally translates to "to give a kick." It is commonly used in both a physical sense (to kick something) and figuratively to imply terminating a relationship or getting rid of someone or something. The phrase is quite frequent in conversational Spanish and can be utilized in both oral and written forms.

Example Sentences

  1. "Él decidió dar la patada a su jefe después de tantas injusticias."
    "He decided to give his boss the boot after so many injustices."

  2. "Cuando no se presentó a la reunión, le di la patada a ese proyecto."
    "When he didn’t show up to the meeting, I kicked that project to the curb."

  3. "A veces hay que dar la patada a lo que no funciona en nuestra vida."
    "Sometimes you have to kick what doesn’t work in your life."

Idiomatic Expressions

The phrase "dar la patada" frequently appears in Spanish idiomatic expressions, signifying action taken to rid oneself of something unwanted.

Example Sentences

  1. "Ella le dio la patada a su expareja para empezar de nuevo."
    "She kicked her ex out to start anew."

  2. "Es hora de dar la patada a esos malos hábitos."
    "It's time to kick those bad habits to the curb."

  3. "Después de mucho pensarlo, decidí dar la patada a la inversión que no rendía."
    "After much thought, I decided to kick the investment that was not yielding."

  4. "Si no encuentras motivación, tal vez sea el momento de dar la patada a tu rutina."
    "If you can't find motivation, maybe it's time to kick your routine."


The phrase "dar la patada" combines "dar," which means "to give," and "patada," which translates to "kick." The term "patada" has its roots in the Latin word "pacta," which means to strike or hit, emphasizing the action of kicking.



This comprehensive overview provides insight into the phrase "dar la patada," its meanings, usage, idiomatic expressions, and related linguistic components in the Spanish language.
