dar pie - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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dar pie (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Dar pie is a verb phrase.

Phonetic Transcription

/dar ˈpje/

Translation Options into English

  1. to give rise to
  2. to give a start to
  3. to provide an opportunity for

Meaning and Usage

Dar pie is an idiomatic expression in Spanish that means to give rise to or set the context for something, typically a situation, discussion, or argument. It can often imply that an action or statement has initiated a series of events.

This phrase tends to be used commonly in both oral and written contexts, particularly in debates, formal speeches, and legal discussions where the implications of actions or statements are analyzed.

Example Sentences

  1. Dar pie a una discusión puede ser arriesgado.
  2. To give rise to a discussion can be risky.

  3. El nuevo testimonio dio pie a una investigación más profunda.

  4. The new testimony gave rise to a deeper investigation.

  5. Sus comentarios dieron pie a varias reacciones inesperadas.

  6. His comments provided a start to several unexpected reactions.

Idiomatic Expressions

The phrase dar pie is often featured in various idiomatic expressions, emphasizing its usage in different contexts:

  1. Dar pie a la controversia
  2. To give rise to controversy.
  3. El artículo dio pie a la controversia sobre la política ambiental.
  4. The article gave rise to controversy regarding environmental policy.

  5. Dar pie a rumores

  6. To provide an opportunity for rumors.
  7. Tus palabras dieron pie a rumores innecesarios en la oficina.
  8. Your words provided an opportunity for unnecessary rumors in the office.

  9. Dar pie a la reflexión

  10. To give rise to reflection.
  11. La película dio pie a la reflexión sobre nuestra sociedad.
  12. The movie gave rise to reflection on our society.

  13. Dar pie a una resolución

  14. To give rise to a resolution.
  15. La crisis sanitaria dio pie a una resolución rápida del problema.
  16. The health crisis gave rise to a swift resolution to the problem.


The expression dar pie literally translates to "to give foot," with "dar" meaning "to give" and "pie" meaning "foot." The figurative connotation of "foot" implies establishing a basis or beginning for something to take place, much like stepping into a new context or area of discussion.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Provocar (to provoke) - Iniciar (to initiate) - Facilitar (to facilitate)

Antonyms: - Impedir (to prevent) - Obstruir (to obstruct) - Terminar (to end)

The expression dar pie encapsulates the concept of initiating or facilitating discussions, events, or processes in both a legal context and everyday conversations in Spanish.
