dar vueltas - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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dar vueltas (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Dar vueltas" is a verbal phrase, specifically an infinitive verb phrase.

Phonetic Transcription

/dar ˈbwel.tas/

Translation Options into English

  1. To turn around
  2. To go around
  3. To wander
  4. To hover

Meaning and Usage

"Dar vueltas" literally translates to "to turn around" or "to go around." In Spanish, the phrase can be used both in a physical sense (like moving in circles or not getting to a destination straight away) and in a metaphorical sense (like overthinking a problem or expressing uncertainty).

It’s a versatile expression that can be used in various contexts. Its frequency is moderate; while it might come up often in conversation, it's also found in written texts. It is generally used more in oral speech, especially in casual conversations.

Example Sentences

  1. Dar vueltas no me está llevando a ninguna parte.
  2. "Going around in circles is not getting me anywhere."

  3. Estuve dar vueltas por el centro comercial sin encontrar lo que buscaba.

  4. "I was wandering around the mall without finding what I was looking for."

  5. No hay necesidad de dar vueltas; solo pregúntale si quiere venir.

  6. "There's no need to dance around; just ask him if he wants to come."

Idiomatic Expressions

"Dar vueltas" is frequently used as part of idiomatic expressions or phrases, often indicating indecision, excessive thinking, or circular reasoning.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. No hay que dar vueltas al asunto; debemos actuar de inmediato.
  2. "We should not beat around the bush; we must act immediately."

  3. Siempre estás dando vueltas al mismo tema; es hora de avanzar.

  4. "You are always going around the same topic; it's time to move on."

  5. No me hagas dar vueltas para entender lo que quieres decir.

  6. "Don't make me go around to understand what you mean."

  7. Deja de dar vueltas y dile lo que piensas.

  8. "Stop dancing around and tell him what you think."

  9. Ella siempre da vueltas antes de tomar una decisión.

  10. "She always goes around before making a decision."


The word "dar" originates from the Latin "dare," which means "to give." "Vueltas" is derived from "vuelta," which comes from the Latin "volta," meaning "turn" or "turning." The combination refers to the action of giving turns, hence the meaning of going around or turning back.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive overview encapsulates the phrase "dar vueltas," providing insights into its meaning, usage, idiomatic expressions, and background.
