darse de alta - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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darse de alta (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The phrase "darse de alta" is a verb phrase.

Phonetic Transcription

/dar.se ðe ˈalta/

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Darse de alta" refers to the action of registering oneself, often for a service, membership, or to become part of a system. It is commonly used in contexts like health insurance, online platforms, courses, or services where an individual needs to provide their information to be officially included.

Frequency of Use

This expression is frequently used in both oral and written Spanish. Its use is especially noticeable in contexts involving administrations, services, and online environments.

Example Sentences

  1. Me voy a dar de alta en el gimnasio para el próximo mes.
    I am going to register at the gym for next month.

  2. Si quieres participar en el curso, tienes que darte de alta antes del viernes.
    If you want to participate in the course, you have to sign up before Friday.

  3. Ella se dio de alta en una plataforma de aprendizaje en línea.
    She signed up for an online learning platform.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Darse de alta" is commonly used in various idiomatic expressions that revolve around the idea of enrolling or becoming part of something:

  1. Darse de alta en la seguridad social
    To register with social security
    Es necesario darse de alta en la seguridad social antes de empezar a trabajar.
    It is necessary to register with social security before starting work.

  2. Darse de alta como autónomo
    To register as a self-employed
    Para trabajar por cuenta propia, necesitas darte de alta como autónomo.
    To work freelance, you need to register as self-employed.

  3. Darse de alta en un servicio de suscripción
    To subscribe to a subscription service
    Ella decidió darse de alta en un servicio de suscripción de películas.
    She decided to subscribe to a movie streaming service.

  4. Darse de alta en un foro comunitario
    To join a community forum
    Para participar en la discusión, tienes que darte de alta en el foro comunitario.
    To join the discussion, you need to register on the community forum.


The phrase is derived from the verb "dar" (to give) and "alta," which means "high" or "registered." In this context, "alta" refers to the status of being officially recognized or registered.



This comprehensive overview of "darse de alta" provides valuable insights into its usage, meaning, and related expressions in the Spanish language.
