darse de baja - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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darse de baja (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Verbo pronominal

Phonetic Transcription

/dar.se ðe ˈβaxa/

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Darse de baja" is a Spanish phrase that refers to the act of canceling a subscription, withdrawing from a service, or removing oneself from a list or organization. It is frequently used in contexts like telecommunications, subscription services, and employment. The term is more commonly used in oral speech but is also prevalent in written communication, particularly in contracts and official documents.

Example Sentences

  1. Decidí darme de baja del gimnasio porque no lo utilizo.
  2. I decided to unsubscribe from the gym because I don't use it.

  3. Cuando me mudé, tuve que darme de baja de mi proveedor de internet.

  4. When I moved, I had to cancel my internet provider.

  5. Es fácil darse de baja de la newsletter en cualquier momento.

  6. It is easy to unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time.

Idiomatic Expressions

The phrase "darse de baja" is often used in various idiomatic expressions and can convey the idea of withdrawal or cancellation in different contexts.

  1. Darse de baja en una lista.
  2. To unsubscribe from a list.
  3. "Para evitar correos no deseados, me di de baja en la lista de distribución."
  4. "To avoid unwanted emails, I unsubscribed from the distribution list."

  5. Darse de baja de un servicio.

  6. To cancel a service.
  7. "Si no estás satisfecho, puedes darte de baja del servicio sin penalización."
  8. "If you're not satisfied, you can cancel the service without penalty."

  9. Darse de baja en la universidad.

  10. To drop out of university.
  11. "Después de un año, decidió darse de baja en la universidad por razones personales."
  12. "After a year, he decided to drop out of university for personal reasons."

  13. No te olvides de darte de baja del contrato.

  14. Don't forget to cancel the contract.
  15. "Es importante darse de baja del contrato antes de la fecha límite."
  16. "It is important to cancel the contract before the deadline."


The phrase comes from the combination of the verb "dar" (to give) and the noun "baja," which means "drop" or "lowering." The expression implies the action of "giving a drop" to one's state in a list or registry.

Synonyms and Antonyms
