darse importancia - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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darse importancia (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The phrase "darse importancia" refers to the act of considering oneself as significant or valuable, often implying a sense of self-importance or arrogance. It is typically used in contexts where someone is perceived to be overly concerned with their own status or significance. The phrase is more commonly encountered in oral speech than in written context, although it can appear in informal writing as well.

Example Sentences

  1. Él siempre se da importancia cuando habla de su trabajo.
  2. He always gives himself importance when talking about his job.

  3. No te des importancia, todos cometemos errores.

  4. Don’t think too highly of yourself; we all make mistakes.

  5. Es irritante ver cómo se da importancia en cada reunión.

  6. It's annoying to see how he takes himself seriously at every meeting.

Idiomatic Expressions

The phrase "darse importancia" is part of several idiomatic expressions in Spanish that can convey themes of self-importance or arrogance.

Example Sentences

  1. No hay que darse tanta importancia en las redes sociales.
  2. One shouldn't give oneself too much importance on social media.

  3. Ella siempre se da importancia, como si fuera la única en el mundo.

  4. She always thinks highly of herself, as if she were the only one in the world.

  5. Darse importancia no te hará más popular entre tus amigos.

  6. Thinking highly of yourself won't make you more popular among your friends.

  7. A veces, hay que aprender a no darse importancia en las críticas.

  8. Sometimes, you have to learn not to take yourself seriously in the face of criticism.

  9. El liderazgo no se trata de darse importancia, sino de servir a los demás.

  10. Leadership isn't about giving oneself importance, but rather serving others.

  11. Si te das demasiada importancia, puedes perder amigos.

  12. If you think too highly of yourself, you might lose friends.


The phrase "darse importancia" is derived from combining the verb "dar" (to give) with "importancia" (importance). "Dar" has Latin roots from "dare," and "importancia" comes from the Latin word "importantia," which means "significance" or "importance."

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms - Creerse importante (to think oneself important) - Valorarse en exceso (to overvalue oneself)

Antonyms - Ser humilde (to be humble) - No darse importancia (not to give oneself importance)
