darse un porrazo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
ChatGPT AI Dictionary

darse un porrazo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech:

Idiomatic expression

Phonetic transcription:

/dar-se un poˈraso/

Translation options into English:

To take a tumble, to fall down, to take a spill


"Darse un porrazo" is a colloquial Spanish expression used to describe the action of falling down or taking a tumble. It is commonly used to emphasize the impact or suddenness of a fall.


This expression is more commonly used in oral speech rather than in written context. It is used across all Spanish-speaking regions.


  1. Me resbalé en la calle y me di un porrazo.
  2. I slipped on the street and took a tumble.

  3. ¡Cuidado con esa escalera, te puedes dar un porrazo!

  4. Be careful with that ladder, you could fall down!

Idiomatic Expressions:

Idiom 1:

Idiom 2:


The word "porrazo" comes from the verb "porrazar," which means "to knock or hit violently." The prefix "por-" intensifies the action, giving the idea of a strong impact or hit.

Synonyms and Antonyms: