datos - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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datos (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "datos" is a plural noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Datos" refers to pieces of information, facts, or details that can be collected and analyzed. In legal and medical contexts, "datos" commonly refer to pieces of evidence or patient information. In polytechnical fields, it can refer to data pertaining to technical specifications or measurements.

The frequency of use for "datos" is high in both oral and written contexts, especially in discussions involving technology, academia, and research. In the modern digital age, the term "datos" has become even more prominent due to the rise of big data and data analysis.

Example Sentences

  1. En la investigación, los datos son fundamentales para llegar a conclusiones.
    In research, data is fundamental to reach conclusions.

  2. Los datos recopilados muestran una tendencia creciente en el consumo de energía.
    The collected data shows an increasing trend in energy consumption.

  3. Es importante proteger los datos personales de los usuarios en línea.
    It is important to protect users' personal data online.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "datos" is not necessarily associated with many idiomatic expressions on its own, it can appear within broader phrases related to information and privacy.

  1. "No hay datos que avalen esa afirmación."
    There is no data to support that claim.

  2. "Los datos no mienten."
    Data doesn’t lie.

  3. "Cada dato cuenta en esta investigación."
    Every piece of data counts in this research.

  4. "Es esencial verificar los datos antes de publicarlos."
    It is essential to verify the data before publishing it.


The term "datos" comes from the Latin word "datum," which means "that which is given." The plural form "data" has been used in English since around the 17th century, deriving from this Latin origin.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Información - Hechos - Estadísticas (in the context of numeric data)

Antonyms: - Desinformación (disinformation) - Ignorancia (ignorance)

This comprehensive overview provides a deeper understanding of the word "datos" and its significance across various fields in Spanish.
