de arriba abajo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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de arriba abajo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The phrase "de arriba abajo" is an adverbial phrase.

Phonetic Transcription

/de aˈriβa aˈβaxo/

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The phrase "de arriba abajo" means "from top to bottom" or "from above to below." It is often used to describe a thorough process or action that covers all parts of something, whether literally (as in cleaning, inspecting, or examining an object) or figuratively (like tackling an issue or task comprehensively).

In Spanish, it is frequently found in both oral and written contexts, although it may have a slightly higher occurrence in written forms, especially in instructions or descriptions.

Example Sentences

  1. La casa necesita ser limpiada de arriba abajo.
    The house needs to be cleaned from top to bottom.

  2. El informe fue revisado de arriba abajo antes de enviarlo.
    The report was reviewed from top to bottom before sending it.

  3. Necesito reorganizar mi armario de arriba abajo.
    I need to reorganize my closet from top to bottom.

Idiomatic Expressions

The phrase "de arriba abajo" is commonly used in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish, referring to thoroughness, sometimes indicating that something has been examined or dealt with completely.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Limpiar de arriba abajo
    To clean from top to bottom
    Después de la fiesta, tuve que limpiar de arriba abajo la sala.
    After the party, I had to clean the living room from top to bottom.

  2. Revisar de arriba abajo
    To review from top to bottom
    El profesor revisó el examen de arriba abajo para asegurar que no hubiera errores.
    The teacher reviewed the exam from top to bottom to ensure there were no mistakes.

  3. Examinar de arriba abajo
    To examine from top to bottom
    El médico examina al paciente de arriba abajo en su consulta.
    The doctor examines the patient from top to bottom in their check-up.

  4. Construir de arriba abajo
    To build from top to bottom
    El arquitecto decidió construir la estructura de arriba abajo.
    The architect decided to build the structure from top to bottom.

  5. Ver de arriba abajo
    To see from top to bottom
    El inspector de seguridad tiene que ver el edificio de arriba abajo.
    The safety inspector has to see the building from top to bottom.

  6. Organizar de arriba abajo
    To organize from top to bottom
    Voy a organizar mis documentos de arriba abajo para encontrar lo que necesito.
    I’m going to organize my documents from top to bottom to find what I need.


The phrase is composed of two components: "de" (from) and "arriba abajo" (top down, or literally "above below"). "Arriba" comes from Latin "ad ripam," meaning 'at the bank (of a river)' indicating a location above, while "abajo" derives from Latin "ab alto" meaning 'from high'. The combination emphasizes a movement or action from a higher to a lower position.

Synonyms and Antonyms


