de asiento - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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de asiento (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"De asiento" is a prepositional phrase in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

/ðe aˈsjento/

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"De asiento" literally translates to "of seat" or "from seat" in English. In the Spanish language, this phrase is often used in specific contexts related to seating arrangements or classifications. It’s not a commonly used phrase on its own but appears in expressions or descriptions regarding assigned seating in contexts such as transportation (e.g., trains, planes) or events (e.g., concerts, theaters).

The phrase is used more in written contexts than in oral speech, especially when referring to formal situations involving seating assignments.

Example Sentences

  1. Los boletos indican el lugar de asiento para el concierto.
  2. The tickets indicate the seat location for the concert.

  3. Por favor, asegúrate de que todos sepan cuál es su de asiento en el avión.

  4. Please make sure everyone knows their seat assignment on the plane.

  5. La escuela asigna de asiento a los estudiantes durante el examen.

  6. The school assigns seats to students during the exam.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "de asiento" as a phrase is not widely featured in idiomatic expressions, it can appear in specific phrases related to seating arrangements. Below are some sentences that include variations involving "asiento" (seat) which might help illustrate relevant idioms or expressions.

  1. No tienes que levantarte, hay un asiento libre de asiento aquí.
  2. You don't have to get up; there is a free seat here.

  3. Ella se sintió incómoda en su nuevo de asiento, pero se acostumbró.

  4. She felt uncomfortable in her new seat, but she got used to it.

  5. El de asiento de este tren es bastante limitado, así que asegúrate de reservar con antelación.

  6. The seating on this train is quite limited, so make sure to book in advance.

  7. Cuando llegamos, ya habían ocupado todos los de asiento disponibles.

  8. When we arrived, they had already taken all the available seats.

  9. Este evento es popular, es recomendable adquirir de asiento cuanto antes.

  10. This event is popular; it’s advisable to get seats as soon as possible.


The word "asiento" comes from the Latin "assentus," which means "sitting" or "seating." The prefix "de" means "of" or "from," creating the phrase "de asiento," which implies a sense of specification regarding seating.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Asiento (seat) - Lugar (place) - Plaza (seat/place)

Antonyms: - De pie (standing) - Sin asiento (without seat) - Desocupado (empty/vacant)

This comprehensive overview should help you understand the term "de asiento" in various contexts and its related uses in Spanish language expressions.
