de balde - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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de balde (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"De balde" is a Spanish phrase that functions as an adverbial expression.

Phonetic Transcription

/dɛ ˈbalde/

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"De balde" is an expression used primarily in the context of something that is offered or given without any payment or cost. It conveys the idea of something being available for free or done without expecting any compensation.

The phrase is relatively less frequent in everyday speech compared to more straightforward terms for "free." However, it can still appear in both oral speech and written texts, albeit more in literature or formal contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. "Nos dieron de balde entradas para el concierto."
    "They gave us tickets to the concert for free."

  2. "No puedes esperar que te ayuden de balde."
    "You can't expect them to help you for nothing."

  3. "El servicio de internet se ofrecía de balde durante el primer mes."
    "The internet service was offered free of charge during the first month."

Idiomatic Expressions

While "de balde" is not a frequent component of idiomatic expressions, it finds some usage in phrases suggesting that something is received without effort or cost. Below are a few examples that incorporate "de balde."

  1. "No hay nada de balde."
    "There's nothing for free." (Implying that everything has a cost or effort involved)

  2. "Lo hice de balde, sin esperar recompensa."
    "I did it for nothing, without expecting a reward."

  3. "Te enseñaré esto, no quiero que lo tomes de balde."
    "I will teach you this, I don’t want you to take it for granted."

  4. "No se puede vivir de balde, hay que trabajar."
    "One cannot live for nothing; one must work."


The expression "de balde" comes from the Latin word "balde," which translates to "greatly" or "boldly." The phrase originally referred to the idea of something being done vigorously or without cost, evolving into its current meaning over time.

Synonyms and Antonyms



In summary, "de balde" serves as an effective and nuanced way to express the concept of receiving or doing something without payment in Spanish, with its usage spanning both everyday and formal contexts.
