de buenas - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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de buenas (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"De buenas" is an idiomatic expression in Spanish and functions primarily as an adverbial phrase.

Phonetic Transcription

/ðe ˈβwɛnəs/

Translation Options into English

The phrase "de buenas" can be translated as: - "in a good mood" - "in a good way" - "in a good spirit"

Meaning and Usage

"De buenas" generally refers to a state of being friendly, positive, or in a good mood. It is often used to describe a situation where a person is approachable, accommodating, or simply feeling happy. The phrase is frequently used in oral speech more than in written contexts, as it conveys a casual, friendly tone.

Example Sentences

  1. "Hoy estoy de buenas, así que podemos salir a pasear."
    "I'm in a good mood today, so we can go for a walk."

  2. "Siempre que hablo con ella, estoy de buenas."
    "Whenever I talk to her, I am in a good mood."

Idiomatic Expressions

"De buenas" is often found in various idiomatic expressions within the Spanish language. Here are a few:

Examples of Idiomatic Expressions

  1. "Estar de buenas"
  2. Sentence: "El fin de semana fue fantástico, realmente estuve de buenas."
  3. Translation: "The weekend was fantastic; I was really in a good mood."

  4. "Tomarlo de buenas"

  5. Sentence: "Aunque no me gustó su opinión, decidí tomarlo de buenas."
  6. Translation: "Even though I didn’t like his opinion, I decided to take it in a good way."

  7. "No es de buenas"

  8. Sentence: "No le hables si no es de buenas; se puede enojar."
  9. Translation: "Don't talk to him if he's not in a good mood; he might get angry."

  10. "Verlo de buenas"

  11. Sentence: "Es mejor ver la vida de buenas para ser más feliz."
  12. Translation: "It's better to see life in a good way to be happier."


The expression "de buenas" combines the preposition "de" meaning "of" or "in" with the adjective "buenas," which is the plural feminine form of "bueno," meaning "good." The phrase reflects a state or condition characterized by positivity.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - De buen ánimo (in a good mood) - A gusto (comfortable, at ease)

Antonyms: - De malas (in a bad mood) - De mal humor (in a bad temper)
