de escape - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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de escape (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The phrase "de escape" is categorized as a prepositional phrase in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

/de esˈkape/

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"De escape" primarily means "of escape" or "for escape", and it is often used in contexts referring to mechanisms or instances related to escaping, both literally (as in escaping from a situation or place) and figuratively (as in finding a way out of a difficult situation). It frequently appears in technical or specific contexts, such as mechanics, gaming, and literature.

The phrase "de escape" is typically encountered in both written and spoken language but has a slightly higher frequency in written contexts, particularly in technical descriptions or narratives.

Example Sentences

  1. El coche tiene una válvula de escape que mejora su rendimiento.
    (The car has an escape valve that enhances its performance.)

  2. El personaje principal encontró una salida de escape en la historia.
    (The main character found an escape route in the story.)

  3. El mecanismo de escape de la prisión fue bien planeado.
    (The escape mechanism from the prison was well planned.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While "de escape" may not have widely recognized idiomatic expressions by itself, it can be part of broader idiomatic contexts in combination with other terms. Here are some examples of expressions where "escape" is significant:

  1. Estar en un callejón sin salida (To be in a dead-end street) - utilizado para referirse a una situación sin salida o de escape.
    (To be in a dead-end situation, with no way out.)

  2. Buscar un agujero de escape (To look for a hole to escape) - significa buscar una solución a una situación difícil.
    (To search for a solution or way out of a difficult situation.)

  3. Fugarse de la rutina (To escape from routine) - significa buscar maneras de salir de la monotonía diaria.
    (To seek ways to break free from daily monotony.)

  4. Plan de escape (Escape plan) - refiere a un plan diseñado para salir de una situación complicada o peligrosa.
    (A plan designed to get out of a complicated or dangerous situation.)

  5. Feeling(así como irse) de escape (Desire to escape) - deseo de salir de una experiencia o responsabilidad.
    (Desire to step away from an experience or responsibility.)


The word "escape" comes from the Latin "ex-cappa", which means 'to get out of a cap (or covering)'. The use of "de escape" brings together the notion of getting away from a confinement or oppressive situation, maintaining the primary meaning intact.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive analysis provides an overview of the phrase "de escape," its meanings, usage, idioms, and related linguistic elements in the Spanish language.
