de inmediato - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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de inmediato (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"De inmediato" is an adverbial phrase.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"De inmediato" is used in Spanish to indicate that something should be done without delay. It is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, making it a common expression in various forms of communication.

The phrase is often used in formal contexts, such as business communication, legal documents, and emergency situations, but can also appear in everyday conversation. Its frequency of use is relatively high, especially in contexts where urgency is required.

Example Sentences

  1. El documento debe enviarse de inmediato.
    The document must be sent immediately.

  2. Necesito que me llames de inmediato si tienes noticias.
    I need you to call me right away if you have news.

  3. De inmediato, la alarma sonó y todos evacuaron el edificio.
    Immediately, the alarm rang, and everyone evacuated the building.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "de inmediato" is primarily a straightforward adverbial phrase, it can be integrated into various contexts that emphasize urgency or promptness. Here are some idiomatic expressions that reflect urgency, incorporating the concept of immediacy:

  1. Actuar de inmediato.
    To act immediately.
    Es importante actuar de inmediato en situaciones de emergencia.
    It is important to act immediately in emergency situations.

  2. De inmediato a la acción.
    Immediately to action.
    El líder pidió que todos se unieran de inmediato a la acción.
    The leader asked everyone to join the action immediately.

  3. Resolver el problema de inmediato.
    To resolve the problem immediately.
    Debemos resolver el problema de inmediato para evitar más complicaciones.
    We must resolve the problem immediately to avoid further complications.

  4. Hacerlo de inmediato.
    To do it right away.
    Si tienes una tarea, hazlo de inmediato para que no lo olvides.
    If you have a task, do it right away so you don't forget it.

  5. Llamar de inmediato.
    To call immediately.
    Si ves algo sospechoso, llama de inmediato a la policía.
    If you see something suspicious, call the police immediately.


The phrase "de inmediato" is composed of the preposition "de" (of) and the adjective "inmediato," which derives from Latin "immediatus," meaning "not mediated" or "direct." The use of "de" here acts to establish a specific relationship, indicating immediacy in time or sequence.

Synonyms and Antonyms



In summary, "de inmediato" is a key phrase that conveys urgency and is widely used in various contexts in the Spanish language, particularly in Argentina. Its significance is reinforced through examples and idiomatic expressions that encapsulate the need for prompt actions.
