de modo que - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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de modo que (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"De modo que" is a conjunction in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

/phɾom θŋo ke/

Translation Options into English

  1. So that
  2. In such a way that
  3. Therefore

Meaning and Usage

"De modo que" is used to express a consequence or result of an action. It can indicate purpose or give a conclusion derived from something previously stated. This conjunction is frequently used in both oral speech and written contexts, although it may appear more in formal written language.

Example Sentences

  1. De modo que decidimos ir al cine en lugar de quedarnos en casa.
    So that we decided to go to the cinema instead of staying home.

  2. Estudió mucho, de modo que aprobó el examen sin problemas.
    He studied a lot, so that he passed the exam without any problems.

  3. La reunión se adelantó, de modo que no pudimos asistir.
    The meeting was brought forward, so that we couldn't attend.

Idiomatic Expressions

The phrase "de modo que" is often part of various idiomatic expressions. Here are a few contexts in which it is used:

  1. De modo que no hay vuelta atrás
    So that there is no going back.
    This expression emphasizes that a decision has been made or a situation has changed permanently.

  2. Voy a hacerlo de modo que funcione
    I'm going to do it in such a way that it works.
    Here, it conveys intent to ensure a specific outcome through careful planning.

  3. De modo que así es como se hace
    So that’s how it is done.
    Used to indicate a method or procedure is effective or correct.

  4. Tomó el camino largo, de modo que llegaría más tarde
    He took the long way, so that he would arrive later.
    This indicates a deliberate choice affecting the outcome.

  5. Había mucho ruido, de modo que no podía escuchar la televisión
    There was a lot of noise, so that I couldn't hear the television.
    Used to illustrate a consequence resulting from an external condition.


The phrase "de modo que" comes from the combination of “modo” (mode/way) and the conjunction “que” (that). The term “modo” is derived from Latin "modus", which means measure, way, or manner.

Synonyms and Antonyms

- Así que (So that) - De tal manera que (In such a way that) - Por lo tanto (Therefore)

- Aunque (Although) - A pesar de que (Despite that)
