Verbo (verb)
"Dejar" is a versatile verb in Spanish that generally means "to leave" or "to let/allow." It can imply leaving a place, stopping an action, or allowing someone to do something. It is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, capturing everyday situations ranging from casual conversation to more formal writing.
The word "dejar" is commonly used in daily conversations and is essential in a variety of contexts, including casual speech, literary works, and legal documents. It tends to be used more frequently in oral speech due to its simplicity and necessity in communication.
Dejar la puerta abierta es un descuido.
Leaving the door open is a mistake.
Tengo que dejar de comer comida rápida para cuidar mi salud.
I have to stop eating fast food to take care of my health.
No puedo dejar de pensar en lo que sucedió.
I can't stop thinking about what happened.
"Dejar" appears in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish, which adds to its richness and versatility in the language.
Dejarse llevar por las emociones puede ser peligroso.
Letting oneself be carried away by emotions can be dangerous.
Es mejor dejar las cosas claras desde el principio.
It is better to leave things clear from the beginning.
No puedes dejar todo en manos de otros.
You cannot leave everything in the hands of others.
Dejar de lado los problemas no es una solución.
Leaving aside the problems is not a solution.
A veces es bueno dejar fluir las ideas.
Sometimes it's good to let ideas flow.
No podemos dejar de lado la importancia de la educación.
We cannot overlook the importance of education.
Te aconsejo que dejes en paz a esa persona.
I advise you to leave that person alone.
Es fácil dejarse llevar por la alegría en las fiestas.
It’s easy to be carried away by joy at parties.
The word "dejar" originates from the Latin verb "dejacere," meaning "to throw down" or "to leave behind." Over time, it has evolved into its modern usage in contemporary Spanish.
In conclusion, "dejar" is a fundamental verb in the Spanish language, widely used in various contexts and forms of expression. Its relevance in daily conversation and its inclusion in idiomatic phrases make it an essential component for learners and proficient speakers alike.