delantero - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
ChatGPT AI Dictionary

delantero (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Delantero" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In the realm of sports, particularly in soccer (football), delantero refers to a player who is positioned at the front of the team’s formation and whose primary objective is to score goals. In a broader sense, it can refer to someone who is at the forefront of an activity or event.

This term is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, especially in reports, discussions, and analyses of sports performances. Its usage is prevalent in Spanish-speaking countries with a strong soccer culture.

Example Sentences

  1. El delantero del equipo anotó tres goles en el partido.
    The forward of the team scored three goals in the match.

  2. Necesitamos un delantero rápido que pueda desbordar a la defensa rival.
    We need a fast striker who can break through the opposing defense.

  3. El delantero fue elegido el mejor jugador del torneo.
    The attacker was chosen as the best player of the tournament.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word delantero is not particularly prevalent in idiomatic expressions, but it can be involved in phrases that emphasize scoring or advancement in competitive contexts. Below are a few expressions it might appear in:

  1. "Ser el delantero estrella del equipo."
    To be the star forward of the team.

  2. "El delantero debe aprovechar cada oportunidad que se le presente."
    The striker must seize every opportunity that comes his way.

  3. "Un buen delantero puede cambiar el rumbo de un partido."
    A good attacker can change the course of a match.

  4. "Los delanteros se llevan los aplausos por los goles."
    The forwards receive the applause for the goals.

  5. "El delantero central es crucial en un ataque efectivo."
    The central forward is crucial in an effective attack.


The term "delantero" is derived from the Spanish word delante, which means "in front of," combined with the suffix -ero, indicating an agent or a person who does something. Thus, "delantero" essentially means "one who is in front" or "one who attacks from the front."

Synonyms and Antonyms



This structure encapsulates a comprehensive overview of the term "delantero," highlighting its significance in the context of sports, particularly soccer.
