The term delictivo is used primarily in legal contexts to describe actions or activities that are considered criminal or offenses against the law. In general use, it refers to the nature of being against the law or carrying implications of wrongdoing. It is more common in written contexts, especially in legal documents, but it can also appear in oral discussions about crime and justice.
The criminal activity in the city has increased alarmingly.
El abogado defendió a su cliente de las acusaciones delictivas.
The lawyer defended his client against the criminal charges.
Es fundamental combatir la cultura delictiva que afecta a nuestra sociedad.
While delictivo itself is not commonly featured in idiomatic expressions, it is often used in conjunction with other words to describe various legal contexts or behaviors. Here are a few relevant constructions:
The criminal act was recorded by the security cameras.
Conducta delictiva
His criminal behavior led him to spend years in prison.
Delito delictivo
Theft is a serious criminal offense that has severe consequences.
Implicaciones delictivas
The word delictivo is derived from the Latin delictivus, which refers to actions that are offenses or wrongs. The root word is delictum, meaning "offense" or "wrongdoing."
Synonyms: - Criminal - Ilegal (Illegal) - Ofensivo (Offensive)
Antonyms: - Legal - Licito (Licit) - Permitido (Permitted)