delinquir - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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delinquir (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Delinquir is a verb.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The verb delinquir primarily means to commit an offense or a crime. It is used in both general and legal contexts and is often associated with criminal activity. The word is mainly found in written contexts, such as legal documents, academic discussions, or literary works, where the language tends to be more formal. The frequency of use can vary, but it is more common in discussions involving law and crime.

Example Sentences

  1. Se considera que la delincuencia juvenil ha aumentado en las últimas décadas.
    (It is considered that juvenile delinquency has increased in recent decades.)

  2. El acusado fue detenido por delinquir en reiteradas ocasiones.
    (The accused was arrested for committing offenses repeatedly.)

  3. Es importante prevenir que los adolescentes delinquir al proporcionarles oportunidades.
    (It is important to prevent adolescents from committing crimes by providing them with opportunities.)

Idiomatic Expressions

The verb delinquir forms part of some idiomatic expressions and phrases associated with crime and legal scenarios. Here are a few examples:

  1. Delinquir por necesidad.
    (To commit a crime out of necessity.)
  2. Esto no justifica delinquir por necesidad, pero ofrece un contexto a la situación.
    (This does not justify committing a crime out of necessity, but it provides context to the situation.)

  3. Delinquir en grupo.
    (To commit a crime in a group.)

  4. Los jóvenes a menudo sienten que delinquir en grupo les da más valentía.
    (Young people often feel that committing crimes in a group gives them more courage.)

  5. Delinquir por impulso.
    (To commit a crime impulsively.)

  6. A veces, las personas delinquir por impulso sin pensar en las consecuencias.
    (Sometimes, people commit crimes impulsively without thinking about the consequences.)


The word delinquir comes from the Latin word delinquere, which means "to fail" or "to make a mistake." Over time, the meaning evolved to refer specifically to committing offenses or crimes.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Cometer (to commit) - Ofender (to offend) - Transgredir (to transgress)

Antonyms: - Rectificar (to rectify) - Cumplir (to comply) - Obedecer (to obey)
