delirio - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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delirio (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The term "delirio" refers to a state of mental disturbance characterized by confusion, disorientation, and often hallucinations. In a medical context, it can refer specifically to a temporary condition that often results from illness, intoxication, or withdrawal. In general use, it can also imply an exaggerated state of excitement or enthusiasm.

Frequency of Use

The word "delirio" appears frequently in both oral and written contexts, especially in discussions related to psychology, psychiatry, and medicine. However, it can also be used informally to describe fervent emotional states in various contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. El paciente presenta síntomas de delirio tras la cirugía.
  2. The patient shows symptoms of delirium after the surgery.

  3. Su delirio por el fútbol le llevó a viajar a otro país para ver un partido.

  4. His delirium for soccer led him to travel to another country to see a match.

  5. Después de la fiebre alta, entró en un estado de delirio.

  6. After the high fever, he entered a state of delirium.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "delirio" is often used in various idiomatic expressions, reflecting excitement or confusion. Here are several examples:

  1. Estar en un delirio de grandeza
  2. Esto lo llevó a actuar con un delirio de grandeza y a despreciar a sus amigos.
  3. This led him to act with a delusion of grandeur and disregard his friends.

  4. Delirio colectivo

  5. Durante el concierto, el público entró en un delirio colectivo que llenó el estadio de energía.
  6. During the concert, the crowd entered into a collective delirium that filled the stadium with energy.

  7. Estar en un delirio

  8. Ella estaba en un delirio de felicidad después de conocer la noticia.
  9. She was in a delirium of happiness after hearing the news.

  10. Delirio de pasión

  11. Su delirio de pasión por la música lo llevó a convertirse en un gran compositor.
  12. His delirium of passion for music led him to become a great composer.

Additional Examples

  1. Tener un delirio
  2. Durante la discusión, tuvo un delirio en el que no quería escuchar razones.
  3. During the argument, he had a delirium in which he didn't want to listen to reason.

  4. Delirio entre los fans

  5. El anuncio de su regreso causó un delirio entre los fans que los esperaban.
  6. The announcement of their return caused a delirium among the fans who were waiting for them.


The word "delirio" comes from the latinate term "delirium," which is formed from the prefix "de-" meaning "from" or “away,” and "lirare," which means "to be out of the furrow" or "to stray." This etymology suggests a departure from normal mental clarity or stability.


