The word "demandar" is a verb in Spanish.
The verb "demandar" generally means to initiate legal proceedings against someone, typically in a court of law, which relates to the domain of law. Additionally, it can also mean to make a demand or claim, particularly in contexts involving rights or requests.
In terms of frequency of use, "demandar" is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, especially in legal discussions, contracts, and formal complaints. However, it is perhaps more frequent in written legal documentation.
The workers decided to sue the company for unjust dismissal.
Es su derecho demandar una compensación por los daños sufridos.
It is their right to demand compensation for the damages suffered.
Si no se resuelve el problema, podré demandar a la otra parte.
The word "demandar" is often part of idiomatic expressions, especially related to legal terms and obligations. Here are a few examples:
The community took to the streets to demand justice for the crimes committed.
Demandar responsabilidad.
Citizens are willing to demand accountability from their leaders.
Demandar la verdad.
It is essential to demand the truth in any scandal situation.
Demandar un cambio.
The word "demandar" comes from the Latin "demandare," which means 'to entrust' or 'to command.' This Latin term is composed of "de-" meaning 'of, from' and "mandare," meaning 'to order.'