The word "demorarse" is a verb.
"Demorarse" can be translated into English as: - to delay - to take a long time - to be late
"Demorarse" refers to the action of taking longer than expected to complete a task or reaching a destination. It can imply causing a delay or experiencing a delay oneself. The word is commonly used both in oral speech and written contexts, frequently appearing in everyday conversations about time and punctuality.
Me voy a demorar un poco en llegar a la reunión.
I'm going to take a little while to get to the meeting.
Si te demoras mucho, perderemos el tren.
If you take too long, we will miss the train.
No te demores en enviar el informe.
Don’t take too long to send the report.
"Demorarse" is used in several idiomatic expressions, often related to the concept of time management and punctuality. Below are a few examples:
Demorarse en el tráfico
"Me demoricé en el tráfico y llegué tarde a la cita."
I got delayed in traffic and arrived late to the appointment.
No demorar en responder
"Es importante no demorar en responder a los correos electrónicos."
It's important not to delay in responding to emails.
Demorarse más de lo esperado
"La entrega del paquete se demoro más de lo esperado."
The delivery of the package took longer than expected.
Demorarse un momento
"¿Puedes demorarte un momento? Necesito hablar contigo."
Can you take a moment? I need to talk to you.
Demorarse en hacer las cosas
"No se puede demorar en hacer las cosas si quieres cumplir con los plazos."
You can't delay doing things if you want to meet deadlines.
The word "demorarse" comes from the Spanish verb "demorar," which is derived from the Latin "moras," meaning delay or wait. The prefix "de-" implies a reversal or a parting, forming a word that translates roughly to "to take longer" or "to cause to be late."
- retrasarse (to delay)
- tardar (to take time)
- dilatarse (to prolong)
- apurarse (to hurry)
- adelantarse (to get ahead)
- acelerar (to accelerate)
This information provides a comprehensive overview of the word "demorarse," its meanings, usage, idiomatic expressions, and related linguistic aspects.