The word "dendrita" is used in Spanish in the fields of medicine, cytology, and mineralogy. It is more commonly found in written contexts or in specialized scientific publications rather than in everyday oral speech.
In the analyzed sample, calcium dendrites were observed.
La formación de dendritas es un proceso natural en la mineralogía.
1. Estar hecho una dendrita - Meaning: To be very nervous or agitated. - Example: Después de la noticia, estaba hecho una dendrita. - After the news, he was very nervous.
2. A simple vista parecen dendritas - Meaning: To appear different or deceptive upon closer inspection. - Example: A simple vista parecen dendritas, pero en realidad son cristales de cuarzo. - They appear to be dendrites at first glance, but they are actually quartz crystals.
3. Tener la mente como una dendrita - Meaning: To be very active or quick-thinking. - Example: Durante el debate, demostró tener la mente como una dendrita. - During the debate, he showed quick thinking.
The word "dendrita" comes from the Greek word "déndron" which means "tree" or "branch." In scientific contexts, dendrite refers to the branch-like extensions of a nerve cell that receive signals from other neurons.
This completes the detailed information regarding the word "dendrita" in Spanish.