dentada - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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dentada (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

dentada is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word dentada refers to a bite or indentation. It is often used in contexts relating to physical bites (like those from animals) or metaphorically to describe notches or impressions. In terms of frequency, it is more common in written contexts, particularly in technical or descriptive writing related to biology, mechanics, or even culinary arts.

Example Sentences

  1. La dentada de la serpiente fue muy profunda.
    The snake's bite was very deep.

  2. Hay una dentada en la madera que debe ser reparada.
    There is a notch in the wood that needs to be repaired.

  3. Su dentada en el sándwich era evidente.
    His bite in the sandwich was evident.

Idiomatic Expressions

While dentada is not particularly prevalent in idiomatic expressions, it does appear occasionally when discussing problems or difficulties that are deep and impactful.

  1. No hay dentada que no se cure con el tiempo.
    There is no bite that does not heal with time.

  2. Cada dentada en el camino me ha hecho más fuerte.
    Every bite in the road has made me stronger.

  3. A veces, una dentada en la vida trae las mejores lecciones.
    Sometimes, a bite in life brings the best lessons.


The word dentada derives from the Spanish word dentar, which is related to teeth or bites, stemming from Latin dentatus, the past participle of dentare meaning "to tooth" or "to notch."

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - mella (notch) - mordida (bite)

Antonyms: - liso (smooth) - plano (flat)

This comprehensive overview encapsulates the meaning, usage, and related information about the word dentada in Spanish.
