dentado - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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dentado (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Dentado" in Spanish refers to something that has notches or points resembling teeth. It is commonly used to describe objects (e.g., tools, edges, or patterns) that have a serrated or jagged quality. The term can appear in both oral and written contexts, but it is more frequently used in technical or descriptive writing, particularly in fields like engineering or biology.

Example Sentences

  1. La hoja del serrucho es dentado, lo que permite cortar con mayor facilidad.
  2. The saw blade is jagged, which allows for easier cutting.

  3. El diseño del panel tiene un borde dentado que lo hace más seguro.

  4. The panel design has a tooth-like edge that makes it safer.

  5. El pez tenía una mandíbula dentada que le ayudaba a atrapar a sus presas.

  6. The fish had a jagged jaw that helped it catch its prey.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "dentado" itself is not commonly found in idiomatic expressions, the concept of something being "dentado" or jagged may feature metaphorically in expressions related to obstacles or complications.

Example Idiomatic Sentences

  1. Este camino tiene muchas piedras dentadas, lo que hace difícil avanzar.
  2. This path has many jagged stones, making it difficult to progress.

  3. La vida puede ser dentada, te da sorpresas inesperadas.

  4. Life can be jagged; it gives you unexpected surprises.

  5. Los procesos burocráticos a menudo son dentados y complicados.

  6. Bureaucratic processes are often jagged and complicated.


The word "dentado" is derived from the Latin root "dentatus," which means "toothed" or "notched." This indicates a direct relationship with the word "diente," meaning "tooth" in Spanish, further emphasizing the tooth-like quality of the objects described.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Serrado (serrated) - Aserrado (sawtoothed) - Afilado (sharp)

Antonyms: - Liso (smooth) - Plano (flat) - Uniforme (even)

This structure provides a comprehensive understanding of the term "dentado," its applications, meanings, and related aspects, making it useful across different contexts.
