The word "denunciar" is a verb in Spanish.
/denuˈθaɾ/ (Castilian Spanish)
/denuˈsaɾ/ (Latin American Spanish)
"Denunciar" means to declare or report something, particularly in a legal context. It is often used to indicate notifying authorities about a crime or wrongdoing, as well as in contexts involving formal complaints against someone's behavior. The frequency of use is moderate to high, and it is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, especially in legal, formal, and journalistic discussions.
Es importante denunciar cualquier actividad sospechosa a la policía.
It is important to report any suspicious activity to the police.
Ella decidió denunciar el acoso que había sufrido en su trabajo.
She decided to denounce the harassment she had suffered at her job.
El ciudadano decidió denunciar a los corruptos ante las autoridades.
The citizen decided to report the corrupt individuals to the authorities.
"Denunciar" is also present in various idiomatic expressions, reflecting its reflectivity in both social justice and legal matters. Here are a few examples:
El activista decidió denunciar enérgicamente la injusticia social.
The activist decided to vigorously denounce social injustice.
Denunciar a la luz pública
to bring to public attention
El periodista decidió denunciar a la luz pública el caso de corrupción.
The journalist decided to bring the case of corruption to public attention.
Denunciar el silencio
to break the silence
A muchas víctimas les cuesta denunciar el silencio que las rodea.
Many victims find it difficult to break the silence that surrounds them.
Denunciar el abuso
to denounce abuse
The verb "denunciar" comes from the Latin word "denuntiare," where "de-" implies 'away' or 'from' and "nuntiare" means 'to announce' or 'to report'. Thus, it originally carried the meaning of "to announce or report formally."