deriva - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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deriva (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "deriva" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription of "deriva" is /deˈɾi.βa/.

Translation Options into English

  1. Derivative
  2. Drift
  3. Outfall
  4. Ebb

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "deriva" typically refers to the concept of drifting or the state of being off course. It is often used in various contexts including medicine (regarding the drift of symptoms), nautical terms (as in the drift of a boat), and in general to describe the divergence from a set course or intended direction. The term is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, with no significant preference stemming from formality.

Example Sentences

  1. La deriva del barco fue peligrosa en medio de la tormenta.
    The drift of the boat was dangerous in the middle of the storm.

  2. Los síntomas de la enfermedad pueden sufrir una deriva con el tiempo.
    The symptoms of the disease can drift over time.

  3. La deriva en la investigación llevó a nuevos descubrimientos.
    The drift in the research led to new discoveries.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "deriva" is also used in several idiomatic expressions:

  1. Entrar en una deriva
    To go into a drift.
  2. La empresa entró en una deriva financiera tras el mal manejo de recursos.
    The company went into a financial drift after the mismanagement of resources.

  3. Deriva de ideas
    Drift of ideas.

  4. Durante la reunión, la deriva de ideas fue clave para resolver el problema.
    During the meeting, the drift of ideas was key to solving the problem.

  5. Deriva de la conversación
    Drift of the conversation.

  6. La deriva de la conversación me llevó a recordar viejos tiempos.
    The drift of the conversation led me to remember old times.

  7. No perder el rumbo en la deriva
    Not to lose direction in the drift.

  8. A pesar de la deriva, es importante no perder el rumbo en nuestros objetivos.
    Despite the drift, it's important not to lose direction in our goals.


The word "deriva" originates from the Latin term "derivare," which means "to divert, draw off." The components of the term "de-" (from) and "rivus" (stream) together convey the notion of something being drawn away from its course.

Synonyms and Antonyms

- Derivación
- Desviación
- Fluctuación

- Dirección
- Conducción
- Firmeza

This comprehensive overview provides a detailed understanding of the word "deriva" in various contexts and usages in the Spanish language.
