derrama - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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derrama (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "derrama" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, "derrama" primarily refers to the act of spilling or the substance that has been spilled. In legal and financial contexts, it can refer to the distribution or dispersion of funds or resources. The frequency of use is moderate, and it is commonly found in both oral and written contexts, often in legal documents or discussions regarding finance and taxation.

Example Sentences

  1. La derrama de agua en el suelo causó un accidente.
    The spill of water on the floor caused an accident.

  2. La derrama de fondos para el proyecto será aprobada la próxima semana.
    The distribution of funds for the project will be approved next week.

  3. Durante la reunión, discutimos la derrama de recursos entre los departamentos.
    During the meeting, we discussed the dispersion of resources among the departments.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "derrama" can be part of various idiomatic expressions, particularly in contexts related to finance or legal matters. Here are some expressions featuring "derrama":

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. La derrama de impuestos se distribuye equitativamente entre los ciudadanos.
    The distribution of taxes is equitably allocated among the citizens.

  2. La empresa sufrió una derrama de capital que afectó sus operaciones.
    The company suffered a capital spill that affected its operations.

  3. La derrama de datos confidenciales fue motivo de preocupación para la autoridad reguladora.
    The spill of confidential data was a cause for concern for the regulatory authority.

  4. Después de la derrama de recursos, el equipo de proyectos tuvo que reorganizarse.
    After the distribution of resources, the project team had to reorganize itself.

  5. La derrama de información sobre el caso fue un hecho inesperado.
    The spill of information about the case was an unexpected event.


"Derrama" comes from the Spanish verb "derramar," which means "to spill" or "to pour out." The prefix "de-" indicates a movement away from a subject, while "ramar" relates to spreading out or distributing.

Synonyms and Antonyms



In conclusion, "derrama" is a versatile term in Spanish connected to various contexts that involve either a physical spill or the distribution of resources, especially in legal and financial discussions.
