"Desacuerdo" is a noun.
"Desacuerdo" refers to a situation in which two or more parties have different opinions or lack consensus on a particular issue. It is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in discussions, negotiations, and legal matters. As a term, it holds substantial relevance in social, political, and legal discourse. "Desacuerdo" is a frequently used word in Spanish.
The disagreement among the committee members delayed the decision.
Hubo un desacuerdo sobre cómo manejar la crisis.
There was a disagreement on how to handle the crisis.
Su desacuerdo no afectó su amistad.
"Desacuerdo" is often part of idiomatic phrases that convey differences in opinions. Here are several examples:
I'm not in disagreement with your opinion.
Desacuerdo profundo.
The profound disagreement between both parties led to a prolonged conflict.
Dar lugar a desacuerdos.
Cultural differences can give rise to disagreements in the negotiation.
Evitar desacuerdos.
It is important to try to avoid unnecessary disagreements at work.
Llegar a un desacuerdo.
The word "desacuerdo" comes from the Spanish prefix "de-" which indicates a negation or reversal, combined with "acuerdo," which means agreement. "Acuerdo" itself stems from the Latin "concĭlĭu̯um," related to the act of coming together or agreeing.
Synonyms: - Desavenencia (disagreement, discord) - Divergencia (divergence) - Inconformidad (discontent)
Antonyms: - Acuerdo (agreement) - Concordia (concord, harmony) - Consentimiento (consent)