desacuerdo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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desacuerdo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Desacuerdo" is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Desacuerdo" refers to a situation in which two or more parties have different opinions or lack consensus on a particular issue. It is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in discussions, negotiations, and legal matters. As a term, it holds substantial relevance in social, political, and legal discourse. "Desacuerdo" is a frequently used word in Spanish.

Example Sentences

  1. El desacuerdo entre los miembros del comité retrasó la decisión.
  2. The disagreement among the committee members delayed the decision.

  3. Hubo un desacuerdo sobre cómo manejar la crisis.

  4. There was a disagreement on how to handle the crisis.

  5. Su desacuerdo no afectó su amistad.

  6. Their disagreement did not affect their friendship.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Desacuerdo" is often part of idiomatic phrases that convey differences in opinions. Here are several examples:

  1. Estar en desacuerdo.
  2. No estoy en desacuerdo con tu opinión.
  3. I'm not in disagreement with your opinion.

  4. Desacuerdo profundo.

  5. El desacuerdo profundo entre ambas partes llevó a un conflicto prolongado.
  6. The profound disagreement between both parties led to a prolonged conflict.

  7. Dar lugar a desacuerdos.

  8. Las diferencias culturales pueden dar lugar a desacuerdos en la negociación.
  9. Cultural differences can give rise to disagreements in the negotiation.

  10. Evitar desacuerdos.

  11. Es importante tratar de evitar desacuerdos innecesarios en el trabajo.
  12. It is important to try to avoid unnecessary disagreements at work.

  13. Llegar a un desacuerdo.

  14. Los dos expertos llegaron a un desacuerdo sobre los resultados del estudio.
  15. The two experts reached a disagreement over the study's results.


The word "desacuerdo" comes from the Spanish prefix "de-" which indicates a negation or reversal, combined with "acuerdo," which means agreement. "Acuerdo" itself stems from the Latin "concĭlĭu̯um," related to the act of coming together or agreeing.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Desavenencia (disagreement, discord) - Divergencia (divergence) - Inconformidad (discontent)

Antonyms: - Acuerdo (agreement) - Concordia (concord, harmony) - Consentimiento (consent)
