"Desagrado" refers to a feeling of displeasure, dissatisfaction, or discomfort towards something or someone. It is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, although it may appear more frequently in written forms, such as formal writing or literary texts. Its frequency of use can vary, though it generally conveys a strong sentiment of aversion.
The displeasure he feels about the cold weather is evident.
Su desagrado por las mentiras le llevó a alejarse de muchas personas.
His dislike for lies led him to distance himself from many people.
El desagrado que provocó su comentario fue palpable en la sala.
"Desagrado" can appear in various idiomatic expressions, reflecting feelings of dissatisfaction or aversion. Here are a few:
Example: "Siempre siente desagrado por los comentarios negativos."
A causa de su desagrado, decidió no asistir a la fiesta.
Translation: Because of his displeasure, he decided not to attend the party.
El desagrado que muestra su rostro dice más que mil palabras.
Translation: The displeasure showing on his face speaks more than a thousand words.
No puedo ocultar mi desagrado hacia la injusticia.
Translation: I cannot hide my displeasure towards injustice.
Su desagrado por las multitudes es conocida por todos.
The term "desagrado" comes from the prefix "des-" which denotes negation, combined with "agrado," stemming from the Latin "gratum," meaning pleasing or agreeable. Hence, "desagrado" literally translates to "not pleasing."
Synonyms: - Descontento (Discontent) - Desplazamiento (Displacement) - Desencanto (Disenchantment)
Antonyms: - Agrado (Pleasure) - Satisfacción (Satisfaction) - Agradabilidad (Agreeability)