desamparar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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desamparar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "desamparar" is a verb.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription of "desamparar" in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is /desam.paˈɾaɾ/.

Translation Options into English

The main translation options for "desamparar" into English include: - To abandon - To forsake - To leave helpless

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "desamparar" means to leave someone or something without support or assistance, often implying a sense of helplessness or abandonment. It is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, though it may appear more frequently in literary or formal writing due to its emotive connotations.

Frequency of Use

The term is used relatively infrequently in everyday conversation but can be commonly found in legal documents, literature, and discussions related to social issues.

Example Sentences

  1. Es inaceptable desamparar a los niños en situaciones de riesgo.
  2. It is unacceptable to abandon children in risky situations.

  3. La ley prohíbe desamparar a los ciudadanos en tiempos de crisis.

  4. The law prohibits forsaking citizens in times of crisis.

  5. Nunca deberíamos desamparar a aquellos que más nos necesitan.

  6. We should never leave helpless those who need us the most.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Desamparar" is often used in idiomatic expressions related to abandonment and helplessness:

  1. Desamparar la causa: Esto puede referirse a dejar de apoyar una causa significativa.
  2. T translation: To abandon the cause: This can refer to stopping support for a significant cause.

  3. No desamparar a alguien: Un compromiso de estar siempre presente para ayudar a alguien.

  4. Translation: Not to abandon someone: A commitment to always be present to help someone.

  5. Desamparar el camino: A menudo se usa para referirse a desviar la atención de un asunto importante.

  6. Translation: To abandon the path: It is often used to refer to diverting attention from an important matter.

  7. Desamparar la familia: Indica la acción de no proporcionar apoyo a los miembros de la familia.

  8. Translation: To abandon the family: Indicates the act of not providing support to family members.

  9. No puedo desamparar mi fe: Refleja la importancia de mantener la creencia a pesar de las dificultades.

  10. Translation: I cannot abandon my faith: Reflects the importance of maintaining belief despite difficulties.

  11. Desamparar la esperanza: Abandonar la esperanza en tiempos difíciles.

  12. Translation: To abandon hope: To forsake hope in tough times.

  13. Desamparar el deber: Conlleva la idea de no cumplir con una responsabilidad.

  14. Translation: To abandon duty: Conveys the idea of failing to fulfill a responsibility.


The word "desamparar" is derived from the prefix "des-" meaning "to undo" or "to reverse" and "amparar," which means "to shelter" or "to protect." The combination implies a withdrawal of shelter or protection.

Synonyms and Antonyms


