desarrollar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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desarrollar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The Spanish verb "desarrollar" generally means to develop, grow, or elaborate something. It can be used in various contexts including general discourse, law, and mathematics. In general, it often pertains to the act of bringing something from an initial state to a more advanced or mature state. The frequency of use is high, and it is common in both oral speech and written contexts. It is particularly prevalent in discussions related to personal development, project management, software development, and even in legal contexts concerning the development of laws or regulations.

Example Sentences

  1. Es importante desarrollar habilidades de comunicación en el trabajo.
    It is important to develop communication skills at work.

  2. La empresa planea desarrollar un nuevo producto para el próximo año.
    The company plans to develop a new product for next year.

  3. El académico decidió desarrollar su tesis sobre el impacto del cambio climático.
    The scholar decided to develop his thesis on the impact of climate change.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Desarrollar" is often used in several idiomatic expressions in Spanish.

  1. Desarrollar la idea: Esto implica elaborar un concepto o plan en profundidad.
    To develop the idea: This involves elaborating a concept or plan in depth.

  2. Desarrollar un plan: Significa crear un esquema detallado para llevar a cabo un proyecto.
    To develop a plan: It means creating a detailed outline to carry out a project.

  3. Desarrollar talento: Esta expresión se refiere a la acción de potenciar las habilidades de una persona.
    To develop talent: This expression refers to the action of enhancing a person’s skills.

  4. Desarrollar relaciones: Esto implica fomentar y fortalecer conexiones interpersonales o profesionales.
    To develop relationships: This implies fostering and strengthening interpersonal or professional connections.

  5. Desarrollar habilidades: Es el proceso de adquirir o mejorar competencias específicas.
    To develop skills: It is the process of acquiring or improving specific competencies.


The verb "desarrollar" comes from the prefix "des-" meaning 'un-' or 'de-', combined with "rollar", which derives from the Latin word "rotula", meaning 'to roll'. The original sense relates to 'unrolling' or 'expanding' something that was previously rolled up or contained.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Elaborar - Expandir - Crescer (in contexts of growth) - Evolucionar

Antonyms: - Detener - Reprimir - Impedir

In summary, "desarrollar" is a versatile verb widely used in various contexts in the Spanish language, encompassing ideas of growth, progression, and creation across different domains.
