The word "descabellado" is an adjective used in Spanish to describe something that is wildly irrational, absurd, or hopelessly out of control. It can also be used to describe outrageous or nonsensical ideas, plans, or actions. The frequency of use is moderate, and it is commonly found both in written contexts, such as literature and media, as well as in oral speech, particularly when discussing ideas or situations deemed unreasonable or ridiculous.
The proposal for the new project is completely crazy.
Después de escuchar su idea, me parece que está un poco descabellado.
After hearing his idea, it seems to me that he is a bit outlandish.
Es descabellado pensar que podamos resolver el problema en un día.
The word "descabellado" can appear in various idiomatic expressions, typically conveying the notion of irrationality or something that doesn't fit conventional logic.
This event is a crazy plan that nobody in their right mind would carry out.
"Pensamiento descabellado"
His outlandish thinking led him to make very bad decisions.
"Idea descabellada"
The idea of living on the moon is an absurd concept for most of us.
"Propuesta descabellada"
The term "descabellado" comes from the Spanish verb "descabellar," which originally meant to remove the hair or to make something hairy look ridiculous. The prefix "des-" implies removal or negation, while "cabello" (hair) has connotations of appearance and perception. Over time, the term evolved to refer to behaviors or ideas that seem irrational or absurd.
Synonyms: - Ridículo (ridiculous) - Absurdo (absurd) - Extravagante (extravagant)
Antonyms: - Razonable (reasonable) - Sensato (sensible) - Lógico (logical)