descomponerse - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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descomponerse (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Descomponerse is a verb in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. To decompose
  2. To break down
  3. To fall apart
  4. To decay

Meaning and Usage

The verb "descomponerse" refers to the process of something breaking down, decaying, or decomposing, whether literally (such as organic matter) or figuratively (such as a relationship, plan, or system). It can also refer to feeling unwell or breaking down physically, emotionally, or mentally.

The word is commonly used in both oral and written contexts but tends to appear more frequently in written language, particularly in literature, scientific writing, and discussions related to biology or chemistry.

Example Sentences

  1. La comida comenzó a descomponerse después de dos días fuera del refrigerador.
  2. The food started to decompose after two days outside the refrigerator.

  3. El equipo se descompuso en medio del juego, y tuvieron que repararlo rápidamente.

  4. The team fell apart in the middle of the game, and they had to repair it quickly.

  5. No quiero que nuestra amistad se descomponga por un malentendido.

  6. I don't want our friendship to break down because of a misunderstanding.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Descomponerse" is used in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Here are some examples:

  1. Descomponerse en mil pedazos
  2. Example: Tras la noticia, su corazón se descompuso en mil pedazos.
  3. Translation: After the news, her heart fell apart into a thousand pieces.

  4. Descomponerse de la risa

  5. Example: Se descompuso de la risa cuando escuchó el chiste.
  6. Translation: He fell apart laughing when he heard the joke.

  7. Descomponerse emocionalmente

  8. Example: Ella comenzó a descomponerse emocionalmente después de la ruptura.
  9. Translation: She began to break down emotionally after the breakup.

  10. No descomponerse ante la adversidad

  11. Example: Es importante no descomponerse ante la adversidad; hay que mantener la calma.
  12. Translation: It is important not to fall apart in the face of adversity; one must stay calm.


The word "descomponerse" comes from the prefix "des-" indicating removal or reversal, and the verb "componer," which means to compose or to put together. Therefore, "descomponerse" literally means "to reverse the state of composition" or "to fall apart."

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Decomponerse - Desintegrarse - Desbaratarse

Antonyms: - Componer - Reunir - Arreglar
