desconcierto - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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desconcierto (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Desconcierto" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Desconcierto" refers to a state of confusion, uncertainty, or discomfort. It is used to describe situations where someone feels lost, puzzled, or unable to understand something. The term can be used in both oral and written contexts, often appearing in discussions about emotional states, conversations about unexpected events, or in literary contexts to portray character feelings.

The frequency of use is moderate, and it is more commonly found in written forms, such as literature or formal articles, rather than in daily conversation, though it can still appear in spoken language.

Example Sentences

  1. El desconcierto en el público era evidente tras el anuncio inesperado.
  2. The bewilderment in the audience was evident after the unexpected announcement.

  3. La falta de información provocó un gran desconcierto entre los empleados.

  4. The lack of information caused great confusion among the employees.

  5. Su reacción de desconcierto me hizo pensar que no estaba preparado para la noticia.

  6. His reaction of discomfort made me think he wasn't prepared for the news.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "desconcierto" is often used in various expressions and phrases in Spanish to convey a sense of confusion or lack of clarity.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Estar en un desconcierto total después de escuchar la noticia.
  2. To be in a total state of bewilderment after hearing the news.

  3. Su respuesta me dejó en un desconcierto absoluto.

  4. His response left me in absolute confusion.

  5. El desconcierto reinó en la reunión entre los representantes.

  6. Bewilderment reigned in the meeting among the representatives.

  7. Hay un desconcierto general sobre la dirección que tomará el proyecto.

  8. There is general confusion about the direction the project will take.

  9. Al enfrentar el problema, experimenté un desconcierto que no sabía cómo manejar.

  10. When facing the problem, I experienced a bewilderment that I didn’t know how to handle.


The word "desconcierto" is derived from the Spanish prefix "des-" which denotes negation or reversal, combined with "concierto," a noun meaning agreement or harmony. The root "concierto" comes from the Latin "concertare," which means "to bring together or agree." Thus, "desconcierto" literally implies a state of disarray or lack of agreement.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Confusión (confusion) - Desasosiego (disquiet) - Intranquilidad (unrest)

Antonyms: - Certidumbre (certainty) - Claridad (clarity) - Seguridad (security)
