desgarrar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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desgarrar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "desgarrar" is a verb in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Desgarrar" refers to the action of tearing something apart, either physically or metaphorically. It can indicate the act of ripping fabric, paper, or other materials, as well as conveying deeper emotional meanings, such as expressing profound pain or distress. The word is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, often associated with intense emotional situations or physical actions.

Examples in Sentences

  1. Desgarrar una camiseta es fácil si no tienes cuidado.
    Tearing a t-shirt is easy if you're not careful.

  2. Sus palabras desgarrar el corazón de su madre.
    His words tore his mother's heart apart.

  3. La tormenta desgarrar los árboles del parque.
    The storm ripped the trees from the park.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "desgarrar" is less commonly used in idiomatic expressions, but it conveys strong emotions in various contexts.

  1. Desgarrar el alma
    to tear the soul
  2. La pérdida de su amigo la hizo desgarrar el alma.
    The loss of her friend made her heart break.

  3. Desgarrar las entrañas
    to rend the guts

  4. La noticia de la tragedia lo desgarrar las entrañas.
    The news of the tragedy tore him apart inside.

  5. Desgarrar el silencio
    to break the silence

  6. Su grito desgarrar el silencio de la noche.
    His scream shattered the silence of the night.


The word "desgarrar" derives from the Latin "disgarrare", which combines "dis-" (a prefix suggesting separation or removal) and "garra", meaning "claw". The evolution of the word highlights its association with tearing or pulling apart.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Romper (to break) - Rasgar (to tear) - Separar (to separate)

Antonyms: - Unir (to unite) - Juntar (to join) - Componer (to compose)
