desgranar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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desgranar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Desgranar is a verb.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

Desgranar refers to the process of removing the outer husk or shell from grains, seeds, or legumes. It is commonly used in agricultural contexts and is particularly associated with processes involving crops like corn or beans. It can also have metaphorical uses, such as "desgranar" information, meaning to break down information into parts.

It is frequently encountered in both oral and written forms, though it might be more prevalent in agricultural discussions, culinary contexts, or literary descriptions.

Example Sentences

  1. Desgrané el maíz para preparar tamales.
    I shelled the corn to prepare tamales.

  2. Antes de cocinar, necesito desgranar los frijoles.
    Before cooking, I need to shell the beans.

  3. Ella se pasó la tarde desgranando las flores para hacer un arreglo.
    She spent the afternoon removing the petals from the flowers to make an arrangement.

Idiomatic Expressions

Desgranar is not only used in its literal sense but also in various idiomatic expressions. It often conveys the idea of breaking something down into manageable parts.

Example Idiomatic Sentences

  1. Desgranar la historia es esencial para entender el contexto.
    Breaking down the story is essential to understanding the context.

  2. Necesitamos desgranar los problemas para encontrar soluciones efectivas.
    We need to break down the problems to find effective solutions.

  3. Al desgranar las ideas, descubrimos nuevas perspectivas.
    *By breaking down the ideas, we discover new perspectives.

  4. Ella aprendió a desgranar las emociones para poder comunicarse mejor.
    She learned to unpack her emotions in order to communicate better.

  5. Desgranar nuestro enfoque nos permitió ser más eficientes.
    Breaking down our approach allowed us to be more efficient.


The word desgranar comes from the prefix "des-" meaning "to remove" and "granar" which is derived from "grano," meaning "grain" or "seed." The full implication of the term is the act of removing the grain from its protective husk or covering.

Synonyms and Antonyms


