deshilar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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deshilar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Deshilar" is a verb in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

The verb "deshilar" can be translated into English as "to unravel" or "to unspool."

Meaning and Usage

"Deshilar" means to unravel or untwist something, commonly associated with yarn, thread, or fabric. It conveys the action of coming apart, especially in textiles. This term can also be used metaphorically in various contexts, indicating the process of unravelling a situation or problem.

In terms of usage, "deshilar" is relatively common in both spoken and written Spanish though more often finds itself in specific contexts related to crafts, textiles, or metaphorical narratives.

Example Sentences

  1. El gato se divirtió deshilando el ovillo de lana.
    The cat had fun unraveling the ball of yarn.

  2. Es fácil deshilar una bufanda si no tienes cuidado al tejer.
    It's easy to unravel a scarf if you're not careful while knitting.

  3. Las tensiones familiares empezaron a deshilarse después de la conversación.
    The family tensions began to unravel after the conversation.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "deshilar" does not have a wide array of idiomatic expressions directly associated with it, its implications of unraveling can be found in certain metaphorical phrases. Below are a few related examples:

  1. Cada vez que intento hablar del tema, todo se deshila.
    Every time I try to talk about the topic, everything unravels.

  2. El plan parecía sólido, pero al final todo se deshiló.
    The plan seemed solid, but in the end, everything unraveled.

  3. No dejes que tu relación se deshila; la comunicación es clave.
    Don't let your relationship unravel; communication is key.

  4. Las mentiras siempre terminan deshilándose con el tiempo.
    Lies always end up unraveling over time.


The term "deshilar" is derived from the prefix "des-" meaning "undo" or "reverse" and the root word "hilar," which comes from the Latin "filar," meaning "to spin" or "to thread." Therefore, the overall meaning is to undo or unspin something that has been spun together.

Synonyms and Antonyms


