deslumbrador - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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deslumbrador (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "deslumbrador" is a noun and can also function as an adjective.

Phonetic Transcription

/ deslumbraˈðoɾ /

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term "deslumbrador" describes someone or something that dazzles or impresses profoundly, often due to brightness, beauty, or excellence. In Spanish, it can be used in both general conversations and literary contexts, making it apt for various registers of language. While it has a somewhat formal or literary tone, it can also be encountered in everyday speech.

The frequency of usage varies, with more common occurrences in written contexts, such as literature or descriptive writing, although it can certainly appear in oral conversation as well.

Example Sentences

  1. El vestido que llevaba era realmente deslumbrador.
    The dress she was wearing was truly dazzling.

  2. Su actuación fue tan deslumbrador que recibió una ovación de pie.
    His performance was so dazzling that he received a standing ovation.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "deslumbrador" itself may not be frequently found in fixed idiomatic expressions, its root "deslumbrar" (to dazzle) is often used in various phrases that convey the idea of being dazzled by someone or something. Below are some examples using expressions related to "deslumbrar":

  1. Me dejó deslumbrado con su talento.
    He left me dazzled with his talent.

  2. El paisaje era tan hermoso que nos deslumbró a todos.
    The landscape was so beautiful that it dazzled all of us.

  3. El actor deslumbró al público con su carisma.
    The actor dazzled the audience with his charisma.

  4. La obra de arte era deslumbradora y atrajo a muchos visitantes.
    The artwork was dazzling and attracted many visitors.

  5. Al llegar a la cima, el horizonte nos deslumbró con su belleza.
    Upon reaching the top, the horizon dazzled us with its beauty.


The word "deslumbrador" originates from the Spanish verb "deslumbrar," which is a combination of the prefix "des-" (indicating negation) and "luz" (light). The verb historically means to remove light or to blind, but colloquially, it implies being overwhelmed or amazed by brightness or beauty.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Deslumbrante (dazzling) - Impresionante (impressive) - Brillante (brilliant)

Antonyms: - Aburrido (boring) - Opaco (dull) - Soso (bland)
