/ɾeˈθaɾ.se/ (with a Castilian Spanish accent)
/ɾeˈ (with a Latin American accent)
"Desperezarse" is a reflexive verb meaning to stretch the body after waking up or sitting for a long period. It conveys the idea of awakening one's body, releasing tension, and often implies a longing for comfort or laziness. It is frequently used in both spoken and written Spanish, often observed in informal contexts but also appears in literary texts.
This verb is often used in oral speech, particularly in casual conversations about waking up or engaging in comfortable, lazy activities.
Cada mañana me desperezo antes de salir de la cama.
Every morning I stretch before getting out of bed.
El gato se despereza en el sol de la tarde.
The cat stretches in the afternoon sun.
Después de estar sentado por horas, es bueno desperezarse un poco.
After sitting for hours, it's good to stretch a little.
While "desperezarse" itself is not commonly found in idiomatic expressions, it can be part of broader phrases related to waking or refreshing oneself. Here are some related expressions:
Despertar y desperezarse: Esto es lo que hago cada mañana antes de empezar el día.
Waking up and stretching: That’s what I do every morning before starting the day.
Desperezarse como un gato: Mi amigo se despierta y se despereza como un gato en la mañana.
My friend wakes up and stretches like a cat in the morning.
Desperezarse de un sueño profundo: A veces cuesta desperezarse de un sueño profundo en la mañana.
Sometimes it's hard to wake up from a deep sleep in the morning.
Necesito desperezarme un poco antes de trabajar: Después de un largo viaje en coche, necesito desperezarme un poco antes de trabajar.
I need to stretch a little before I start working: After a long car trip, I need to stretch a bit before working.
The word "desperezarse" comes from the prefix "des-" indicating negation or reversal and "perezarse," which is derived from "pereza" (laziness). Thus, it essentially denotes the act of overcoming laziness through stretching.
This comprehensive overview of "desperezarse" provides a clearer understanding of its usage, context, and related linguistic elements.