despotricar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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despotricar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

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Meaning and Usage

"Despotricar" is a colloquial term in Spanish that refers to the act of speaking in a vehement, critical, or angry manner, often about someone or something. It implies a strong emotional expression that can encompass ranting or venting frustration. The term is often used in informal settings or conversations and is more prevalent in oral speech than in written form.

Frequency of Use: It is commonly used in everyday conversations, especially among friends or in informal discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. “No dejes que alguien te despotrique por la espalda.”
    "Don't let someone rant about you behind your back."

  2. “Estaba tan enojado que no pude evitar despotricar durante la reunión.”
    "He was so angry that I couldn't help but rant during the meeting."

  3. “Es fácil despotricar, pero es más difícil encontrar soluciones.”
    "It's easy to rant, but it's harder to find solutions."

Idiomatic Expressions

"Despotricar" is commonly used in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish that convey frustration or critique. Here are some examples:

  1. “Despotricar sobre la vida.”
    "To rant about life."
    This expression is used when someone is vocalizing their discontent with the way things are going in their life.

  2. “Despotricó contra el gobierno todo el día.”
    "He ranted against the government all day."
    It indicates a prolonged period of expressing dissatisfaction with governmental policies.

  3. “Es fácil despotricar cuando no eres el que tiene que tomar decisiones.”
    "It's easy to rant when you're not the one making decisions."
    This shows how critiquing others is simple from an outside perspective.

  4. “Todos empezaron a despotricar cuando escucharon la noticia.”
    "Everyone started to rant when they heard the news."
    This emphasizes collective frustration or disappointment.


The verb "despotricar" comes from the prefix "des-" which suggests negation or reversal, and "politicar," which is derived from "política" (politics). The term likely evolved from the idea of speaking about politics in a negative or critical way. Over time, its use expanded beyond political contexts.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Criticar (to criticize) - Reseñar (to review negatively) - Quejarse (to complain)

Antonyms: - Alabar (to praise) - Elogiar (to commend) - Celebrar (to celebrate)

In summary, "despotricar" is a dynamic verb rooted in feelings of criticism and emotional expression, widely used in spontaneous discourse within Spanish-speaking communities.
